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MASTERCLASS: 4 Top Tips for Taming the Tension and Creating Intimacy

$ 99.00 USD
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Tension happens. Especially in a marriage. It adds up. It builds up. Until BOOM! Conflict creeps in, (or bursts in), creating havoc on your hearts and lives. It's not you. It's not your beloved. It's not your marriage. Marriage and communication are not generally easy and sometimes they're really really hard. Having a few go-to Top Tips for Taming Tension and Creating Connection can be the critical shift that empowers you to stop getting emotionally hijacked by your conflicts and start transforming that energy into connection instead. Don't waste your energy arguing about the kind of communication you DON'T want. Instead, create a vision for the type of communication you DO want. Don't exhaust yourself "working" on your relationship. STOP focusing on FIXING problems and start enjoying the pursuit of what you both want. Get in on these quality communication tools to end conflict and embrace intimacy. Build a muscle for CHOICE over circumstance. Choose CONNECTION over conflict. Learn to move past piss-poor communication and STRETCH into CONNECTION even when you're triggered.

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Hi, I'm Gaby

I have Masters degree in Education, Counseling and Guidance and 25 years of coaching and teaching experience, it is my own “messy-to-magical” marriage that allows my relationship guidance to be so spot on. My innovative methods are fiercely forward focused, gently shifting any negativity into concrete action steps. I'm a wiz at supporting couples in not just digging themselves out of a relationship ditch, but cultivating a couple culture of "aiming for awesome".

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