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The Energy of Money: A Spiritual Guide to Financial and Personal Fulfillment

$ 13.89 USD
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Welcome to The Energy of Money, a spiritual guide to financial and personal fulfillment, authored by Dr. Maria Nemeth. In this book, Dr. Nemeth draws on her more than twenty years of experience in synthesizing spiritual and practical techniques for managing oneself and work, to create a revolutionary program that can free your financial energy and use it to achieve personal life goals and financial wealth. By purchasing The Energy of Money, readers can expect to benefit from: 1. A powerful new relationship with their money: With the help of Dr. Nemeth's program, readers will learn how to build a powerful new relationship with their money. By doing so, they will be able to unleash the possibilities that come with it and bring their dreams to fruition. 2. A complete self-help and self-discovery regimen: The Energy of Money presents readers with a complete self-help and self-discovery regimen that will help them uncover the hidden landscape of beliefs, patterns, and habits that underlie and sometimes subvert their everyday use of money and personal resources. 3. Proven methods of money management: In addition to the self-help and self-discovery regimen, Dr. Nemeth also provides readers with proven methods of money management. By following these methods, readers can develop and stay on their personal path to abundance. 4. Effective exercises and meditations: The Energy of Money provides readers with easy-to-follow exercises and meditations that will help them clear themselves to receive the energy and support of others and the universe. 5. A manifestation of their special contribution to the world: Through The Energy of Money's effective worksheets and other interactive processes, Dr. Nemeth will guide readers to financial success and help them manifest their special contribution to the world. In summary, The Energy of Money is a powerhouse guide to prosperity that presents twelve principles to help readers uncover the hidden landscape of beliefs, patterns, and habits that underlie and sometimes subvert their everyday use of money and personal resources. By following Dr. Nemeth's program, readers will be able to unleash the possibilities that come with money and bring their dreams to fruition.

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Hi, I'm Gaby

I have Masters degree in Education, Counseling and Guidance and 25 years of coaching and teaching experience, it is my own “messy-to-magical” marriage that allows my relationship guidance to be so spot on. My innovative methods are fiercely forward focused, gently shifting any negativity into concrete action steps. I'm a wiz at supporting couples in not just digging themselves out of a relationship ditch, but cultivating a couple culture of "aiming for awesome".

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